Partenaires : entreprises, experts, investisseurs, institutions et réseaux
Contact par email : Contact par Skype : andredan Contact par phone : +336-8038-5710 Contact par courrier : High Tech Business 2, terrasse du Parc de la Villette 75019 Paris, France
Our mission: to support the business connections and to share the best business practices. Our objectives 2004: To create a extranet for the members To organize 4 events sets of themes in dinner-debate To organize 6 appropriatenesses business exchange To develop the notoriety and the influence of the Club
Executive Board : France : André Dan (Président), Françoise Bernet, Véronique Barry, EricTruong, Patrick Szychter, Xavier Lavielle, Jean Paul Guenoun, Michel Poss, Anthony Gutowski, Gérard Javice, Henri Benattar, Alain Guibère International : Windham Loopesko (USA), Nicolas Kondratovitch (Chine), Charlotte Gutman (Belgique), Nelson Gregory (UK), Ewa Sarzotti (Pologne), Fouad Sassine (Australie), Baghdad Nekmouche (Maroc), Joe Abi Aad (Liban), Yossi Dan (Israël)
Join as of now while adhering to us to High Tech Business Club for 1 year: 100 Euros HT (119.6 Euros including all taxes) or 1000 Euros HT (1.196 Euros including all taxes with prepaid events)